The Health Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

The Health Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

Ready to discover even more health benefits of turmeric and ginger? 

If there are two favorite ingredients in herbal and Ayurvedic medicine, it’s ginger and turmeric. Natural medicine practitioners love these incredible roots for the anti-inflammatory properties each one holds. Perhaps most impressive is the research that suggests these roots can relieve chronic pain, increase immune function, and reduce nausea. 

Both roots are easy to find in health food stores and in a variety of forms. While we personally think fresh is best, you’ll find both turmeric and ginger come in every form — from capsules to beverages and everything in-between. 

If you’ve been curious about just how to include the health benefits of these roots into your daily diet, we’ve got you covered. 

Here’s a look at the health benefits of turmeric and ginger and ideas on how to use each:

What are Turmeric and Ginger?

Ah, turmeric and ginger. These warm and healing roots are a must-have in any health-conscious person’s kitchen. 

Both are long rooted in history as plants with powerful healing purposes. The roots originate from Asia — ginger in China and turmeric from southeast Asia— where they’ve been used for thousands of years in healing and culinary practices. 

You may be wondering, what’s the difference between the two? 

  • Turmeric — This is actually a plant in the ginger family and grows mostly in India. The underground stem is what’s used most often as a spice and in traditional medicine.

  • Ginger — This tropical plant hosts flowers and grows underground roots. The funky-looking root is used frequently in a variety of health foods and drinks. 

While each root is healing in its own right, some people prefer the taste of one over the other. If you enjoy both, double up on the health benefits! Here’s a look at why you may want to consider introducing both of these beloved health foods into your diet. 

The Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

Turmeric and ginger have long been favored for their flavorful tastes and healing benefits. 

While turmeric may come from the ginger family, the two couldn’t taste or look more different. Turmeric has more of an orange, sweet potato-look while ginger is yellow on the inside and light brown on the outside. Sometimes turmeric is described as peppery-tasting, where ginger has a zesty, lemony sort of taste. 

Here’s a look at the powerful health benefits of both turmeric and ginger:

What Both Have in Common 

While each one is used for different purposes, both offer an incredible anti-inflammatory benefit. Turmeric and ginger are known for minimizing joint inflammation, reducing cholesterol and even reducing blood sugar. 

Here’s a look at what both of these super roots have in common:

  • Inflammation reducers - Turmeric contains curcumin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Ginger lovers know one of the best benefits of fresh ginger is its anti-inflammatory properties. 

  • Pain relievers - Turmeric has been recommended for use in rheumatoid arthritis patients to help minimize painful joint swelling. Ginger root contains the anti-inflammatory compound called gingerol, which can help reduce muscle pain after a workout. 

  • Promotes healthy digestion - For thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, practitioners used turmeric as a digestive healing agent. Ginger can be used to soothe upset stomachs and aid in digestion. 

  • The Benefits of Ginger

    ginger on wooden chopping board

    Whether you love or hate the taste of it, there’s no denying the health benefits of ginger. It’s commonly used for a variety of dietary needs, but its most popular use is in treating nausea. You’ll find ginger in shots, teas, extracts, tablets, and capsules.

    A quick look at the benefits of ginger: 

    • Knocks out nausea
    • Improves digestion 
    • Soothes stomach pains 
    • Reduces inflammation 
    • Helps with colds and flu 

    Additionally, ginger may:

    • Calm morning sickness - Feeling nauseous while the baby does somersaults? Mommas-to-be can safely ingest ginger to keep nausea away. Try 1 gram of fresh ginger root daily for up to four days to reduce nausea and vomiting. 
    • Improve oral health - Don’t mind the taste of fresh ginger? Consider chewing fresh ginger daily. Not only will it keep your breath fresh, but it may also lower your chance of getting gingivitis.  
    • Relieve menstrual cramps -  If you prefer alternative methods for reducing your monthly cramps, try some fresh ginger. You can try tea, candies, shots, or even a ginger-filled bath! The root reduces inflammation and that overall achy feeling that accompanies the menstrual cycle. 

    Can’t get enough of ginger?

    Discover the 7 Best Benefits of Fresh Ginger & Ways to Enjoy It

    Tasty Turmeric 

    turmeric root on wooden chopping board with glass wellness shot


    Other than being a warm, flavorful spice for specialty dishes like curry, turmeric is touted for its positive effect on a variety of health conditions. Oral uses of turmeric vary. You’ll find turmeric in capsules, spice jars, and in organic shots

    A quick look at the benefits of turmeric:

    • Acts as an anti-inflammatory
    • Serves as a powerful antioxidant
    • May help reduce depression 

    Additionally, turmeric may:

    • Help with allergy relief - Curcumin, that magic ingredient in turmeric, is known to potentially help minimize the swelling and irritation caused by allergic rhinitis. Hay fever sufferers in particular may benefit from taking turmeric daily.

    • Can help IBS - Turmeric has been studied for its potential to help reduce symptoms in those dealing with IBS or even Ulcerative Colitis. 
    • May relieve acid reflux - Hate the feeling of acid coming up your throat after a much-too-spicy meal? Consider giving turmeric a try to reduce acid reflux from irritating your esophagus. 

    Ways to Include Each in Your Diet 

    Yes, those two weird-looking roots that are always piled high in baskets in the produce section are less intimidating and way easier to incorporate in your cooking than you might think! 

    Other than swallowing it daily as a supplement, you can enjoy each of these roots in a variety of ways. Bring spice and flavor to your dishes and drinks in different ways with each of these anti-inflammatory ingredients! 

    Here’s a look at how you can enjoy the health benefits of turmeric and ginger: 

    Tasty Ways to Use Turmeric 

    Whether you love it as a tea, shot, supplement, or spice, there are a ton of different options of how you can incorporate turmeric into your diet. 

    Here are just a few ideas:

    • Tofu scramble - Scramble veggies and turmeric in a breakfast scramble. 
    • Turmeric golden milk - Start your day with this anti-inflammatory drink.
    • VITALITY turmeric shot - Shake, shoot, and feel it work its magic! 

    • Stew - Add a little spice to your favorite stews with powdered turmeric.

    Easy Ways to Use Ginger

    Ginger can be included in your diet in a variety of ways. Whether you opt for fresh ginger or supplements, you’ll reap the anti-inflammatory goodness of one of nature’s coolest roots. 

    Here are a few ideas:

    • Ginger-lemon water - Flavor your water with anti-inflammatory ingredients.
    • Tea - Ginger tea can soothe an upset tummy or help you unwind for the day.
    • Stir-fries - Chop and toss your favorite veggies with grated ginger. 

    Love ginger? Learn How to Make a Ginger Shot From Scratch today! 

    Want to include both of these healing roots in your diet? If you want to experience the health benefits of turmeric and ginger, consider trying our VITALITY shot, full of turmeric, and our ginger-rich WELLNESS shot

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