glass bottle with herbs on a white background

A Guide to the Best Ingredients for Natural Women’s Health

 Note: If you’re a guy, you may want to just skip this post. It’s for the ladies. 😉


Ready for some natural women’s health options that don’t require a prescription? 

You’ve come to the right place. 

In this post, we’ll look at a variety of natural ingredients you can try if you prefer a natural women’s health approach in dealing with health concerns. Instead of downing bottles of pink stuff (hello, heartburn) or popping pills for period-related migraines, you can instead pull open your fridge or spice cabinet to find relief. 

Consider this your all-natural guide to spices, herbs, and foods that can make you feel — and look — your best.

Below we dive into health issues that women have like periods, bloating, and UTIs, and share which natural ingredients can provide the best relief. 


pile of ginger roots on wooden table


For thousands of years, this root has helped heal and soothe health concerns for women. Gingerol is the powerful compound in ginger that gives it its anti-inflammatory benefit and can help ease menstrual-related pains, including hormone headaches. Most notably, this root is known for its powerful healing powers to ease a variety of digestive problems.

What It’s Good For: 

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Settles an upset stomach
  • Soothes nausea and vomiting episodes

If you’re pregnant, ginger tablets and fresh ginger are also helpful in easing morning sickness in expectant mothers. A 2018 study published in Functional and Bioactive Properties of Food noted that pregnant women could take up to 1 gram of high-quality ginger per day up to four days. 

How to Use It

You can try ginger in a variety of forms. We like to say fresh is best around here. Ginger is great in organic shots, teas, and grated fresh in hot meals like carrot-ginger soup. It’s also useful to try ginger for alleviating period-related headaches, too.


There’s something so refreshing about getting a whiff of peppermint. This aromatic herb is a part of the mint family and is a mix of both spearmint and watermint. Not only is it excellent as a flavor enhancer, but peppermint’s leaves also provide useful oil extracts like menthol. Peppermint has both oral and topical uses and health benefits. 

What It’s Good For

  • Nausea -  Whether you’re dealing with acid reflux from pregnancy or motion sickness from traveling, peppermint is the perfect natural way to reduce nausea.

  • Headaches - The menthol in peppermint oil eases pain with its cooling sensation that comes from applying it to the skin which increases blood flow.
    • Improves energy - Need a morning pick-me-up? Sniff peppermint oil (or diffuse it) for a refreshing scent that uplifts. Studies show peppermint aromatherapy can decrease daytime tiredness. 

    How to Use It

    You can drink peppermint tea to help soothe your stomach during or after a bout of nausea. Suck on natural peppermint candies or lozenges to soothe a sore throat after vomiting. Dealing with a headache? You can rub pure peppermint essential oil on the back of your neck or temples for relief. Or, diffuse the oil in an essential oil diffuser to fill a room and help ease your headache.



    This pantry staple is probably one you have on hand already. If you’re interested in improving your menstrual cycle by regulating it, cinnamon may be one option to try. Ceylon cinnamon is best and is known as “true cinnamon.” 

    What It’s Good For: 

    • Helps women regulate menstrual cycles - One small study completed by researchers from Columbia University Medical Center found women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who took daily cinnamon supplements had twice as many menstrual cycles as those who took a placebo. 
    • Boosts metabolism - As we age, our metabolism slows. A slow metabolism can impact reproductive health as well because of weight gain that can happen. This in turn can create other health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure which can impact the chances of getting pregnant.

    How to Use It

    You can sprinkle cinnamon atop oatmeal or put it in a variety of baked goods including muffins and bread. It’s also an excellent spice to add to homemade beverages like chai and other teas. It’s available in capsule form for convenience, too.


    boquet of chamomile flowers

    Painful periods can sometimes be enough to sideline you for several hours or even a few days. If you have intense cramping or muscle pain, chamomile — a daisy-like flower — may be a natural pain reliever you give a try during your time of the month. It's anti-inflammatory and has also been studied for it’s antispasmodic benefits.

    What It’s Good For: 

    • Minimizes muscle spasms and period pains - A study published in the Journal of Pharmacopuncture indicated that chamomile is an ingredient that could be useful in helping ease painful menstruation.

    • Reduces anxiety - If your period leaves you feeling anxious and unable to sleep, you can use it for its anti-anxiety and sedative properties, too. 

    How to Use It

    Chamomile is one of those flowers that is useful in plentiful ways. You can drink it as a tea or brew tea for use in recipes like throat-soothing chamomile ginger popsicles! If you can find dried chamomile flowers, you can use them in baking, too. 


    Cranberries aren’t just for Thanksgiving time. In fact, females can take advantage of these bright berries year-round. It’s as tasty as it is helpful. Some even consider it a “superfood” because of its antioxidant properties.  

    What It’s Good For: 

    • Gut health - Cranberries are good for the gut as it has a prebiotic fiber which has a positive impact on digestive health, according to a 2018 review in the Current Developments in Nutrition.
    • UTI prevention -These vibrant red berries contain an antioxidant called proanthocyanidins (PACs). It’s this particular antioxidant that makes cranberry juice so useful in preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) as it inhibits the bacteria from sticking to the wall of the urinary tract.  Keep urinary tract infections away if you’re prone to them by consuming fresh cranberries or fresh-pressed cranberry juice.

    How to Use It

    Fresh cranberries are a great way to get the best benefits from the berry’s antioxidants. You can also add cranberries to oatmeal, smoothies, homemade bread, and salsas. You can even try making your own sparkling cranberry rosemary kefir punch! Skip dried cranberries as they’re full of sugar and aren’t as beneficial as the ones you find fresh. 


    This unique vegetable is well-known for licorice-root flavor and major health benefits. Best of all, every part of the plant can be used in cooking, making it a less wasteful food option with medicinal benefits! Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties, it offers numerous natural women’s health remedies. 

    What It’s Good For: 

    • Stimulates breast milk production - If you look closely at products for breast milk production, you’ll notice lactation cookies and other products usually have fennel seeds as an ingredient. That’s because fennel is a natural galactagogue — a substance that helps increase breastmilk supply.

    • Reduces chance of yeast infections - Because of fennel’s antibacterial properties. women who consume it may be able to stop the growth of harmful yeasts like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans, according to some studies by the Isfahan University of Technology. 

    How to Use It

    If you’re looking to improve breast milk production but don’t want to make lactation cookies, try chewing a handful of fennel seeds. Doing so will also help you maintain a healthy digestive system! Plan to pick up fresh fennel? The fennel bulb can be refrigerated for four to five days. You can chew on the bulb raw or sauté or roast it as well for a tasty side dish.


    turmeric root on white background


    This “Golden Spice” is favored for a variety of health conditions, but most notably as an inflammation reducer. Surprisingly, though, it’s also been discovered this yellow spice — which you can find in curries and mustards — may potentially act as an antidepressant, too! 

    What It’s Good For: 

    • Inflammation - Curcumin — the compound that gives turmeric its golden hue — is thought to be the reason turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. When you feel crummy due to muscle aches or overall bodily inflammation, it can have an impact on your mental health, too. Reduce your body inflammation with turmeric to see if you notice a change in your mood. 
    • May help depression - A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders shows curcumin has promising use as an antidepressant. The study found depressed patients who had a dose of curcumin had improved depression symptoms over patients who received a placebo. 

    How to Use It

    Try a turmeric supplement to get the best health benefits from the root. These supplements can be found online in organic shots as well as capsules. You can also try cooking with it in curries and soups. 

    Note: Depression is a serious medical condition. Never opt to use turmeric or curcumin instead of prescribed antidepressants. Instead, work with your physician to see if it may benefit you to give it a try as a complement to your current medication plan. 


    This herb has been used for hundreds of years to treat mental and mood disorders. Studies show that St. John’s Wort may be able to help boost mood in those individuals with mild-to-moderate depression. Because it has less side effects than most antidepressants, this herb may be a good option for those dealing with depression. 

    What It’s Good For: 

    • Depression -  Some studies report that it may be as helpful as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the types of antidepressants that are often prescribed for those dealing with mild-to-moderate depression.
    • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - When the season fades from fall to winter, some people develop what’s known as SAD, a depression that occurs due to lack of sunlight. St. John’s Wort may alleviate these symptoms in some people.

    How to use it

    You can get St. John’s Wort in a variety of forms. A popular way to ingest it is by capsule, but it’s also available in teas and extracts. Speak with your doctor first, but experts say you can use between 300 to 600 milligrams daily. 


    aloe vera plant and glass on a wooden table



    Aloe vera is a beautiful succulent that’s equally as useful in your everyday life. It’s mostly known for its ability to heal sunburns, but it has other uses, too. 

     What It’s Good For: 

    •  Hydration - Like water, aloe vera is hydrating. Hydration equals bright and glowy skin.
    • Burns - Whether you’re dealing with a sunburn or even a cooking burn, you can put straight aloe vera onto your skin to soothe and heal wounds.
    • Dry skin - If you suffer from dry skin, you can use aloe vera to help minimize dry skin patches and itchiness caused by flaking skin cells.

     How to Use It

     Topically, you can use aloe vera right on your skin. Have an aloe vera plant? Just slice one leaf off and cut the skin off and you can easily apply it to your skin. Prefer to ingest it for a glow from the inside out? If you get bored with plain water, especially post-workout, consider giving aloe vera juice a try. When you drink it, you can reduce inflammation while also getting a nutritional boost.

     Try our RESTORE and GUT CHECK shots if you’d like to experience the benefits of aloe vera! 


     Sea buckthorn berries are little orange berries with smooth skin that are about the same size as cranberries. The benefit of these little berries includes an abundant source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a one-of-a-kind omega-7 known as palmitoleic acid.

    What It’s Good For: 

  • Skin hyperpigmentation - It can take up to three months to lighten hyperpigmentation. Because of sea buckthorn berry’s vitamin C content, it provides skin brightening benefits and can lighten age spots.

     How to Use It

    You can try this bright berry in an organic shot if you prefer to ingest your vitamins. Need a dewy, glowing look ASAP? You can apply sea buckthorn oil directly to the skin. You’ll find it in a variety of skincare products. 



    Many natural ingredients can help with women's reproductive health, mental health, and overall physical health. Whether you’re looking for menstrual cramp relief, a dry skin soother, or a general pain reliever, there are options other than over-the-counter drugs that you can try. 

    From turmeric to cranberries and chamomile to aloe vera, you now have a plethora of new natural women’s health remedies to give a try. As always, speak with your doctor first about introducing any new alternative healing methods into your lifestyle, especially if you’re on medications.

    If you’re open to it, give yourself a chance to explore new ways of approaching your health concerns. You may find a new favorite healing alternative that uses a natural ingredient you already love. 

    Here’s to your natural health!

    What are some of your favorite natural women’s health remedies? Let us know in the comments below! 


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